




进化之地2剧情怎么走 剧情流程攻略







1445年5月后 黑街 只有5-7月能触发,错过则无法攻略 有CG

1445年5月后 黑街 只有5-7月能触发,错过则无法攻略 有CG
黑街 知道名字
黑街 知道是魔族
黑街 讨厌好天气
黑街 知道魔界的入口
1445年12月 自动 一起过圣诞,三王子中好感度最高 有CG
1446年5月后 魔界广场 女儿被袭击 有CG
黑街 小吃摊
魔界酒店 魔界的酒
魔界广场 魔法石
魔界广场 女儿唱着妈妈的歌
魔界广场 受伤了
魔界广场 记不记得妈妈的脸
黑街 怎么快速使用魔法
街道 魔族的坐骑是飞龙
1446年12月 自动 一起过圣诞,三王子中好感度最高 有CG
魔界酒店 被抱怨女儿是王位继承人
1447年5月 魔界广场 被带到森林深处 有CG
1447年8月 广场 谈到收获祭的事情
1447年10月后 魔界广场 拿到魔公主礼服
广场 谈到魔界出现巨鼠


1、精灵区干掉金龙的同时全部盲住,复活好后挨个射死。精灵城后开塔下海,对岸塔上方登陆点有水上漂可学,用水晶披风开塔,占翡翠城及周边资源。踩绿色帐篷,魔法师小屋右边路上费点力搞定神行靴,单向门回家带点兵准备由翡翠城下面出海去兽族区。 2、兽族区火精灵处有个先知会给点兵,捡好先知挡住的真理徽章,开绿色守卫继续向兽族区杀去,顺便学下大力神盾,先占南边的雷鸟堡,切记先不要把真理徽章送给雷鸟堡左边的守卫,否则无法去人用大力神盾干掉水晶龙,然后由扫地男将兽族区扫荡一空,萧恒月则奔向比蒙堡右边下水,沉船边学会召船,干掉潘多拉盒子学会回城和毁船,顺便把水神靴也收了,独眼怪堡左边开红色守卫拿神兽之鬃。 3、插曲一我开始打到这就卡住了,实在没有地方可去。嘿嘿,费了一番功夫后,终于在幻影城后还童泉右边找到上把航海帽也捡了,继续向右航行占住灯塔和绿龙崖,来都来了,带条回去吧。 4、黑龙区回独眼怪堡,补充好兵力后,用宝石戒指开塔,干掉菜鸟黛玛克占领**城,飞耳怪堡下海,干掉挡路的紫龙,用绿龙开塔,干掉冲出城的戴斯,占领黑龙城,先知处领到黄金囊,与之前小黛给的黄金包和大戴给的黄金袋一起收集好准备前往人族区。 5、人族区幻影城后单向门传到左上角,河边招船下海,向下上岸到人族区,用三个黄金包和真理徽章开塔后,圣地之城的升级数后学会失忆大法。鲜花之城边上的先知把真理又还回给你。补充好后准备进入下一段插曲。 6、插曲二由雷鸟堡出发,开塔进去发现有个叫克斯的家伙挡道,二话不说干掉他,一路小跑来倒幸运之城。神秘堡的伊沃。飞**左上角埃尔尼守的泰坦城,招船出海,开哨塔在了望塔下干掉金龙,捡起魔力球,与伊沃送的魔法护符一起组成魔力源泉,穿水神靴漂到左边岛上把因海姆干掉,终于有大天使了:-D。反正来,最后守城以比蒙速战的方式解决的,损失了点射手,L了很多次,过的真不容易!然而更猛的还在后面。 7、泰坦区飞回翡翠城,右边单向门处招船下水,打开哨塔继续北上,扫荡一番后获得水银瓶、活力圣瓶和先知剑,意外在凤凰左侧捡到小蓝一条,速度又提一档。带上小蓝继续在云顶城外招船下水,一路向右下来到黑色方尖塔的小岛,干掉圣龙,打开潘多拉盒子,小蓝由1条变5条,射光一批牛哥捡起活力之戒,再回绿荫城补好兵力,向右漂过小河来到泰坦区门口,在盗贼洞穴后面用水银瓶开哨塔扫地男送来所有小天使,全部在高山堡垒处升级,发财了,不仅有了大天使,凤凰都出来了。 8、鬼族区在吸收1代地图的经验后,考虑到骷髅兵的数量日积月累会成为负数,2代地图仅在中期设了一个鬼族城,此是闲话。由泰坦区上方双向门继续进入,开哨塔进入鬼族区,在岩石地带干掉送上门来的奥力斯,开哨塔继续干掉鬼城的摩多,扒下摩多脚上的死神靴,组成鬼王斗篷。在鬼城下方开哨塔进单向门,用鬼王斗篷开哨塔,干掉约克。飞回神秘堡,在龙堡附近干掉2K紫龙拿到冷静挂件,在制造工场右边一路扫荡过去,带上一只野猪,漂过湖与水,开哨塔进入另一片打靶区,在上方一个附近有堆鬼龙的龙堡后拿到电神挂件向下杀到凤凰看守的智者图书馆,用野猪开哨。 更多攻略如下: 小贴士 (1)多存档,前期尽量不损失兵力,神秘堡以后,主力替换为陈打靶,扎堆的金龙、水晶龙、**都是他最喜欢的菜; (2)后期钱多了可以通过买卖资源调节,避免资金变成负数; (3)升级树一定要留到后期爬,前期太不划算; (4)可以野战的地方尽量利用好战场地形放大力神盾; (5)神器不给放到元素城,原因大家都知道,就是不让学会所有魔法; (6)贴中很多城名是不确定的,不同的起始档城名都不一样,因此篇中只交代了守城人和城的种族; (7)最后也是最关键的一点,不要过于沉溺游戏,要不中了电脑的双目失明可别说偶没提醒。

光明勇士装备怎么打造 光明勇士装备打造技巧

光明勇士制作装备方法: 目前金色材料和紫色材料可以通过完成活动来进行入手。 1、稀有精英 30级之后就会开启这个稀有精英活动,需要玩家击杀稀有精英怪物,第一次发现并且攻击和最后补刀的玩家,以及输出前三的玩家就可以获取这些稀有材料。 2、暗裔入侵 玩家可以在每天的15-18点以及21-24点通过参加暗裔入侵,通过参与这个活动,即可获取金色材料和紫色材料。 3、英雄副本 玩家可以通过组队通关英雄级别难度的副本,就有可能获取金色和紫色材料,还能获取水晶哦。 网页链接


Haunted Ruins s4t

You start the level after a cut scene with Death. Equip your Dragon Armour
and proceed up the hill, over the small lava rivers and onto a big pool of
lava. Cross this and equip another weapon, you don't need the armour now for
a while.

Continue on, and you will notice the Health Fountain to your right, fill up
if you need to. Further on you will find three chickens and a book. Read the
book and do as it says, feed the chickens!
There are 3 piles of feed, the third one further on is a switch for the

Cross the bridge and you come to a door, which you can't get through. If you
look to the left, you will notice some stairs leading up. If you have your
sound on, or subtitles (i have both on) you will hear the cries from the

At the top of the stairs, go left for 100gc. Now go back and go to the other
end and read the book. Do as it says and jump down and quickly kill the
guard, before he reaches the switch at the other end. Also watch you don't
hit the switch yourself!

Now break the crystals, watching not to hurt yourself, using the Magic Sword.
I don't think any other weapon breaks them, apart from the Woden's Brand, but
i could be wrong.

Once you have broken all 3 crystals, you can hit the switch to save the
farmers. You will see a cut scene of them escaping, and opening a door back
beside the chickens.
Also, the door they leave through, that was previously closed, remains open,
and at the other end to the switch, the door opens and two more guards are
heading your way. Kill them.

Now go back to where the farmers and chickens are. If you go through the now
open door, you will get 300gc. You can also use the Health Fountain if you
did not use it at the start.

Now go back up to the castle. When you come to where the farmer's were held
prisoner, you can go left to a shop gargoyle. Going this way, you will see a
lake of oil in front of you, which you die in. The shop gargoyle is up to the

Now go back to the prisoner area and go to the right. You will notice you
pass a Rune gate, you can also read the book.

To the right room, there are 4 cannons in here, avoid the cannonballs and
head to the door at the other end. If you face the door, turn to your left.
There are stairs up here. Go up them. Make your way along, killing the five
Undead Warriors up here. You will eventually come to stairs down, but
continue on. There is a bridge to your left with a health vial in front of

Go left across the bridge, kill the 3 Undead Warriors and collect the Star
Rune. Now go back across the bridge, and go left down the stairs. There are
5 of those guards down here. If you don't have the Woden's Brand, try using
the Chicken Drumsticks to kill them.

To the left you will see a chest, collect it for 100gc. If you go passed the
Rune gate to the right side, you will find another chest of 100gc. Now go
back to the Rune Gate and use the stone.

Through here you will see flames blocking your path. Equip the Dragon Armour
and pass through safely. Go through the door in front of you. Read the book
and then walk forward and you will fall down a trap.

This room is full of flaming platforms. In the distance you will notice a
door to the left and a door to the right. Some of the platforms have those
guards on them. Again, i used the chicken drumstick to throw at them,
positioning myself away from the flames on my platform.

If you are jumping from one platform to another, remember to equip your
Dragon Armour again, as the platforms have flames on, and also, if you miss
and fall, there's a pit of lava down there!

If you firstly make your way to the left door, you will find the Crown in
If you come back out, with Dragon Armour still equipped, drop down into the
lava below, and head to the left, you should find the Chalice around here.

To get back up top, there is a ramp opposite the left door, so you are
heading towards the top right. Go up the ramp and make your way across to
the right door this time. There is a Health Fountain here.

Go through and you will come out with the flames blocking your path in front
of you, turn right and go through the door. This time, jump over the hole you
fell down before. Go to the throne and use the Crown. King Peregrine will
appear and talk to you, telling you what to do to save Gallowmere. He will
also give you the last piece of the Anubis Stone.

Now to do as he says! Go into the tunnel behind the throne and you will come
out in the room behind the door by the cannons. When you do the rest of this
level, you are on a 90 second timer. Now, hit the switch and turn around and
collect the now lowered Earth Rune. Now you have to kill those two stone
I did this by equipping my Dragon Armour, as they can flame you. I then used
my own flame breath to hit them and push them towards the wall opposite the
switch, and off the edge, to their deaths.

Once killed, the door to the cannons opens, so go passed the cannons and to
the Rune gate back out the front. Hit the switch, this will get rid of the
oil to the left, that we couldn't get over before. So go round there (from
the room, as you leave, it's to your right) and go up to the catapult. Hit
the switch and a rock will get fired and break the wall. Now hop in the
catapult yourself, to end the level.

Total for Level:
Money: 600gc
Items: 2 Health Fountains, 1 Health Vial
Runes: Star Rune, Earth Rune
Weapons: none
Hall of Heroes - Lightning
Ghost Ship s4u

And here is where you land from that catapult throw! You start on the left
side of the ship. Kill the 4 skeleton pirates with swords and the 1 with a
gun. Read the book next to the gate. From the book, if you turn around to
face behind you, go up the stairs. Read the book. Pick up the powder keg.
You need to find a total of 7 of these, 1 down, 6 to go.

Go back down the stairs and turn to the right, it looks like a dead end, but
there is a door here. Go in, and you find yourself at the top of stairs. Go
down and kill the 2 pirates and collect the Chaos Rune.

Now, up on the deck, you can do this any way you want, this is the way I did
Go back up to the deck. If you face the Rune gate, there are stairs leading
down, at each side of the ship. To the left, you appear in a room you can do
nothing in. You can see through the bars to two Boiler Guards, and there is
also one up on the level you can't jump to.
Go back and go to the right stairs. You appear in a room you could see with
the two boiler guards. I used the chicken drumstick to kill them, quite
handy that is ;)
Once you've killed them, pick up the powder keg, that's 2 of 7.

Go back up to the deck and use the Rune on the Gate. Pick up the health vial
if you need it. Go down the stairs and you are faced with a spinning trap,
much like the ones in Scarecrow Fields. The trap does not hurt you, it just
pushes you along. There are 4 holes in the deck here. Go forward, so that
you are running with it, not against it, jumping the holes in the ground, as
you go. You will come to a ramp down to the right, but if you look to the
left, you will see another powder keg, so dodge the trap again, to get it.

Now, you need to drop down a hole in the deck. From the powder keg, it is
the 4th hole you jump, right before the ramp down. Down here you will get
the Moon Rune, and have to kill a Boiler Guard. Before dropping down to go
back up to the deck, go through the door opposite, and you will find two
small chests, each containing 50gc.

Go back up to the deck, and back to the spinning trap. Go round the trap to
the ramp down, and go down here.

In front of you is a barrel trap, there are barrels moving about over the
deck. If you turn more to your right, you will see 2 bags of coins. Collect
these and then turn to face the barrels.

Again, there is a door at either side of the ship. To the left you are faced
with two more Boiler Guards. You can also equip your Dragon Armour to kill
them. This also protects you from their flames. At the end of the corridor
is a Health Fountain. Fill up if you need to.

Go back up to the deck and go to the right door this time. Nothing exciting
in here, just some rats and a shop gargoyle. Buy anything you may need. You
can see above you, a level with money bags, which you cannot jump up to.

Go back to the deck and face the moving barrels. In front of you is a door
and two barrels moving from side to side, on a ramp. At the top of either
side of the ramp, are two more barrels, moving back and forth. When the
barrels pass you, move forward into the door.

In here, kill the skeleton pirate and drop down the hole. You land in the
room with the money bags, you could not reach from down below. Collect the
four bags of money, and also the Health Bottle. You will have to drop down
and go back up top to the barrels again. This time, when the barrels go to
the left, you go to the right. Jump the two barrels up here and collect the
powder keg, 4 of 7 ;)

Jump back over the barrels and down to the middle, and do the same at the
left side, to get to the Rune Gate. Go through and up the ramp, and drop off
at the opening. Kill the 4 sword pirates and 1 gun pirate, and go to the
right of the Rune gate, where there is a door open. Go down the ramp and
avoid the cannons, and go down the ramp to the door.

In here i equipped my Dragon Armour, with my Gold Shield, and killed the 4
Boiler Guards. Go down the alley and collect the Health Vial. Hit the switch
and the door beside you opens. This takes you back out to where the Health
Fountain was earlier in the level. If you did not use it before, you may
need to now.

Go back through the door you just opened and go up the ramp to the left.
Collect the Time Rune that's up here. Go back up to the deck and passed the
cannons again, to the Rune Gate. Use the Rune and go through.

In front of you, the floor is full of holes, and there are nets for you to
stand on. It's a case of jumping, net to net, to get across.
Jump on to the first one and you will notice the nets are like trampolines,
you bounce!

Jump forward on to the next one, and then turn to your left, in front of you
is another powder keg. So go jump and get it. From here, if you face the
nets, you will see a chest across to the left. Now go get it for 25gc.

Now we want to jump across to the right, to the exit from the nets and on to
some fun jumping :p
To the left up here, is a swing, jump on to it. Jump across to the 2nd swing
and then the 3rd. Now turn to the right and jump across to the spinning
platforms. You will spin round and pass a bird cage, ignore this for the
moment and continue to spin round. The next platform you come to holds the
6th powder keg, so jump over and get it. Jump back onto the spinning
platforms and as you continue round, jump off onto the stairs. Kill the 2
sword wielding pirates and the gun wielding one, and go right up the middle
to get the last powder keg. Go back to the spinning platforms and jump back
on. Now we are going to go round and walk (or jump) into the bird cage.

It's actually a lift ;) that takes you up. Move on to the platform, before
the cage goes down again, and collect the Chalice at one side, and another
Health Fountain at the other. you can walk across the cage without it going
down. It won't go down without you, but if you end up going down before you
have collected anything, just jump when it reaches the bottom, and it will
go up again.

Now that you are back down, drop down on to the deck below and kill the 4
skeleton pirates and hit the switch. This will take you back into the room
that had the Boiler Guards in. Handy if you never used that Health Fountain
in there ;)
You can also go up the ramp to the side of the ship, there's another cage
here to take you back up, too.

Now make your way back to the mofo cannon at the other end of the ship. It's
time to put those kegs to use!
Best way to do this would be to go down to the very bottom of the deck,
where you hit the switch, and go into the Boiler Guard room. Now go straight
on and go through the next door you hit the switch to open, and go right and
follow the corridor round and through the door. You will now be back at the
spinning trap/barrel junction. Go passed the spinning trap and voila, the
cannon is up the stairs in front of you!

Use the powder kegs at the back of the cannon and watch the cut-scene.

Open the chest in the right corner for a club. Light the club from the fire
in the middle and light the cannons, to hit the Pirate Boss.
Be careful, as he shoots out 5 cannon balls at you, 3 times in succession.
Time it right when you light the cannons, and you will hit him. He will then
summon 3 skeleton pirates in beside you. Kill them, and light your club
again, and repeat firing at him. If your club runs out, it reappears in the
corner again.

Once he's been killed, it's off to the Hall of Heroes ;)

Total for Level:
Money: 275gc
Items: 7 Powder Kegs, 2 Health Vials, 2 Health Fountains, 1 Health Bottle
Runes: Chaos Rune, Moon Rune, Time Rune
Weapons: Club
Hall of Heroes - Health Bottle
Zarok's Lair s4v

I would suggest stocking up on some items before doing this last level.
Mainly Health and Arrows, the best ones you have, if possible.

Watch the cut scene and then kill the many Boiler Guards that come at you. I
equipped my Dragon Armour and went in close to them, they start to flame you
instead of shooting you, and I just flamed them back!

Next comes some sword wielding skeletons and some archer skeletons. I used
the Magic Sword to kill them, it's quicker.

Then comes Lord Kardok, a centaur (half man half horse). He will run in a
circle around the edge of the floor. He will shoot out those bolts of
electricity (like from some chests) so avoid these.
I hid behind the pillar in the middle of the floor, positioning myself so the
bolts won't hurt me.
After he has thrown some, he will rear up on his hind legs, now is your
chance to hit him.
Once he had thrown his last bolt, i went after him, so i was closer and then
I used arrows to hit him (the square button attack, as it throws 3 arrows at
a time) and i did this twice, before retreating behind the middle pillar to
do it all again!
Once you have hit him so that his health is half gone, walls appear around
the floor, so you are in an arena, as such. He will now charge at you. Do as
Al-Zalam says and dodge him, he will get angry and rear on his hind legs
again for you to hit him. Dodge him when he is charging towards you, not
when he is running in a circle.

Once you have defeated him, he leaves behind two Health Vials you can use.

Now Zarok sends out Fazguls. Watch the cut-scene, you will now be equipped
with the Anubis Stone. Use it to heal your troops, but be careful, as using
it uses your own health, so use it wisely! Your troops will turn red when
they are running low on health, so now is the time to zap them.

Once the Fazguls are dead, i think it's 6 Health Vials appear. Pick them up.

Watch the cut-scene. Now for Zarok. He's turned into one mofo snake!

Listen to Al-Zalam, he says to hit Zarok on the mouth. When he coils, he is
going to slam down and shudder the ground, jump to avoid the sonic boom that
it creates. Now he will throw out some green bottles at you, avoid these. He
will then have his head near the ground, run in and hit him, usually a
distance weapon, like an arrow, hopefully he will flash to say you have hit
him. He will go back up straight and then zoom out at you, I ran to the edge
of the floor, it's easier for dodging him. Now you can hit him again, more
than once.

Once you have hit him enough times, he brings his tail into action, and
Al-Zalam says that's his weak point, I used my best sword to hit it. He will
spin his tail round, jump to avoid it. It will then stop, where you hit it

Once you have hit it a few times, the whole process starts again, with him
coiling to create a sonic boom.

Once you have killed him, watch the cut-scene.

Total for Level:
Items: possibly 8 Health Vials



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