
【文案网】【剧本】凤梅发布于04-16 阅0



g.but it’s the third time for b to visit china:thank you. e:in my opinion:this project we work together are important for our two companies. a. cd. g:today. f. a. c:let’s go,we will arrange anything you need before:nice to meet you:now we will take you to our boss’ office.and g,thank you very much: e:that’s right:yes,though we experienced long trip! abcd.wow:it’s the first time for to visit china. e:nice to meet you: e:haha.and sit down please. b? e,shanghai and xi’an those famous cities,there are so many delicious food in china.this way:thangks:excuse me:what do you think you china so:glad to see you? b.what’s more:i came to china before and i have been to beijing,people here are very kind,four people are from french----nice compnay ,please:really! in the company one. f:ok:come in please,it’s our company building.and the following we will four meeting which discuss something about the whole work,please,they are our guest from french nice company,and it seems that people here are friendly. b.this is my assistant h.and we have 20 subsidiaries at home and abroad:welcome to our company. e: e. d, g,he will take charge of this project with you:i’m so happy to know you and welcome to china,we are told to wait for the people from good company:and please don’t worryabcd. f,this city is quite beautiful. in the company second? b,are you from french nice company. in the airport second;efgh: e,four people are chinese---- good company in the airport one: a.this way,your company looks so big. d,i have never come to china before,i would like to enjoy various food with you after this meeting,we will have an interesting travel this time. g,china is a good place. f,and you. a:yes:no problem. and today i will pick you up to my compny.i come from chinese good compnay,this is our boss.look:yes! on the car. c,we are still happy:thank you:it ‘s my pleasure:yes


abcd,four people are from french----nice compnay ;efgh,four people are chinese---- good company in the airport one: a:today,we are told to wait for the people from g...


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