



115 The Robot Revolution

115 The Robot Revolution_赖世雄英语_单曲在线试听_酷我音乐

116 Unsung Heroes in the Sky

116 Unsung Heroes in the Sky_璧栦笘闆勮嫳璇璤鍗曟洸鍦ㄧ嚎璇曞惉_閰锋垜闊充箰





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The Robot Revolution

Technology is moving at the speed of light with new breakthroughs quickly becoming a part of our everyday lives. An aspect of technology that has reached futuristic heights and is spilling over into our reality is robotics. Once the stuff of science fiction, robots are the wave of the future and they soon will be found in homes around the world.

Japan, the leader in innovative technology, is at the forefront of this new horizon. Unlike other countries such as the United States, who long to use robotic technology for military purposes, Japan is aiming to make robots for the typical consumer. At a Japanese expo, visitors met robot tour guides as well as ones that danced and played instruments. Visitors could even leave their children in the care of a robotic babysitter.

Japan's push to integrate robots into everyday life is out of necessity. The Japanese have a longer lifespan than any other population. At the same time, they are reaching a critical point as many Japanese are opting to have one child or remain childless. As the population ages, there will be fewer people to financially and socially support the aging masses. Who will care for the elderly in the future? More than likely, robots will fill the role of caretakers and companions. Young Japanese are also unwilling to take jobs that are dirty, risky, or physically tiring. Once again, robots will have to be utilized to do the jobs that humans aren't willing to do.

It will be some time before robots are like the ones in the films of Steven Spielberg, but with the leaps that have been made in the last decade, it is only a matter of time. Eventually, man will look back at these early days of robotics and smile at how far we've come.






Unsung Heroes in the Sky

Ellen Church, a registered nurse by trade, changed the world of aviation when she set foot on a Boeing Air Transport (BAT) flight on May 15, 1930. On this day, Church and seven other women became the first-ever flight attendants. In the 20s, planes were a relatively new form of transportation, so passengers weren't thoroughly convinced of the safety of flying. Church, who had been taking flying lessons, initially approached BAT with aspirations of being a pilot for the airline. Though not hired as a pilot, she had a stroke of brilliance when she suggested that nurses be placed on the flights to combat the public's fear about the safety of flying. Soon other airlines followed suit and flying would never be the same.

In the early days of flight attendants, there were strict guidelines as to who could fill these positions. Known as stewardesses, sky girls, and air hostesses, flight attendants had to be unmarried, younger than 25, under five feet, four inches tall, and weigh less than 115 pounds. In addition to helping passengers with their wants and needs during the journey, flight attendants were also responsible for placing the luggage on board, fueling the plane, screwing down seats that had become loose, and aiding the pilot in pushing the plane into the hangar. The duties of the early flight attendants were more physically taxing than those of today, but the safety of passengers has always been the main concern. Though the requirements have changed a great deal over time, the dedication and hard work it takes to perform this job remain the same.






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