中国签证条件:外国人到中国来需要去中国驻当地大使馆办理签证,签证通过后才可入境。外国人申请办理签证需要提供中国境内的单位或者个人出具的邀请函件的,申请人应当按照驻外签证机关的要求提供。出具邀请函件的单位或者个人应当对邀请内容的真实性负责。中华人民共和国签证是中华人民共和国**授权机关依照本国法律法规,为申请入、出或过境本国的外国人颁发的一种许可证明。根据中国与有关国家签署或达成的双边协议,部分国家符合特定条件者赴华,可免办签证。签证,是一个国家的主权机关在本国或外国公民所持的护照或其他旅行证件上的签注、盖印,以表示允许其出入本国国境或者经过国境的手续,也可以说是颁发的一项签注式的证明。概括的说,签证是一个国家的出入境管理机构,对外国公民表示批准入境所签发的一种文件。 主要用途有:旅游、探亲、商务、外交、留学、移民,这是一般人可能会用到的。当然还有像机组人员,新闻记者,等等其他用途。看个人的情况而定。【法律依据】《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》第十五条 外国人入境,应当向驻外签证机关申请办理签证,但是本法另有规定的除外。第十六条 签证分为外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证、普通签证。对因外交、公务事由入境的外国人,签发外交、公务签证;对因身份特殊需要给予礼遇的外国人,签发礼遇签证。外交签证、礼遇签证、公务签证的签发范围和签发办法由外交部规定。对因工作、学习、探亲、旅游、商务活动、人才引进等非外交、公务事由入境的外国人,签发相应类别的普通签证。普通签证的类别和签发办法由国务院规定。第十七条 签证的登记项目包括:签证种类,持有人姓名、性别、出生日期、入境次数、入境有效期、停留期限,签发日期、地点,护照或者其他国际旅行证件号码等。
外国人在中国境内工作并获取劳动报酬的,应按规定事先取得工作许可和工作类居留证件(合并称为“工作签证”),才可以在中国合法就业。持有工作签证的外国人,在有效期内可以多次往返中国和境外,不需要另外办理签证。外国人首次办理工作许可和居留许可一般为12个月有效,期满可以申请延期。 Foreigners who work in China and obtain remuneration for their labor shall, in accordance with the regulations, obtain in advance work permits and work residence certificates (collectively referred to as "work visas") before they can legally obtain employment in China. Foreigners holding work visas may, within the validity period, make multiple trips to and from China without the need for additional visas. Foreigners who apply for work permits and residence permits for the first time are generally valid for 12 months. 外国人工作许可及外国人工作居留许可办理的前期准备工作: 第一步:请检查聘用外国人的公司是否已经在新的外国人工作许可系统中注册 第二步:请检查需要聘用的外国人是否具有获得外国人工作许可和工作签证的资格(外国人是属于A类,B类还是C类?) Preparatory work for foreigners' work permits and foreigners' work and residence permits: Step 1: check to see if the company employing the foreigner is registered with the new foreigner work permit system Step 2: please check whether the foreigner you want to hire is qualified for the foreigner's work permit and work visa (are foreigners in category A, B or C?). A类(鼓励类,高端人才:中国经济社会发展急需的科学家、科技领军人才、国际企业家、专门特殊人才等 “高精尖缺”外国高端人才。) Category A (encouraged, high-end talents: scientists, leading talents in science and technology, international entrepreneurs, special talents and other foreign high-end talents who are in urgent need of China's economic and social development) B类(外国专业人才,控制类,专业人才:符合外国人来华工作指导目录和岗位需求,属于中国经济社会事业发展急需的外国专业人才。) Category B (foreign professional talents, control category, professional talents: foreign professional talents who are in urgent need of the development of China's economic and social undertakings and meet the work guidance directory and job demand of foreigners coming to China) C类(外国普通人员,限制类,根据国家政策规定,实行配额管理。)三类,按照外国人来华工作分类标准实行分类管理。您必须达到至少C类,才能申请外国人来华工作许可(这是在上海合法工作的必要文件) Category C (foreign ordinary personnel, restricted category, subject to quota administration according to national policies) For the third category, classified management shall be implemented according to the work classification standards for foreigners in China. You must have at least class C before you can apply for a work permit for foreigners (this is a necessary document for working legally in Shanghai). A类工作许可的标准: 目前,最为常见的一种A类人才为达到以下薪资标准的高薪酬外国人: 工资性年收入需达到60万元人民币以上,且年缴纳个人所得税达到12万元人民币以上,其他更多的A类人才标准 : 外国人本人或者聘用外国人的公司如果达到以下任何条件之一的确定为A类: A1 - 中国各地**特别引进的外国人才计划或者荣誉 A2 - 外国人个人曾获得过国际专业奖项 A3 - 聘用外国人公司达到一定标准的 A4 - 外国人在上海创新创业的 A5 - 外国超高学历人才 A6 - 根据《积分要素计分赋值表》计算计点积分大于85分 Category A work permit standards: At present, the most common type A talents are foreigners with high salary who have reached the following salary standards: The annual wage income shall be more than RMB 600,000 yuan, and the annual individual income tax shall be more than RMB 120,000 yuan. Other a-level talents shall meet the following standards: The foreigner himself or the company employing the foreigner shall be class-a if he or she meets any of the following conditions: A1 - foreign talent program or honors specially introduced by local governments in China A2 - foreign individuals have won international professional awards A3 - those who employ foreign companies to a certain standard A4 - foreigners in Shanghai innovation and entrepreneurship A5 - highly educated foreign talents A6 - according to the score and assignment table of integral elements, the score of the score point is more than 85 points 如果不符合A类工作许可的标准,请检查您是否有资格获得如下任何B类工作许可(符合任意1条即可): If you do not meet the criteria for A class A work permit, please check whether you are eligible for any of the following class B work permits (any 1 of which is sufficient) : B1 - 外国人有学士学位,以及学士学位毕业后2年**相关工作经验 B2 - 外国蓝领技术工人(持有国际通用职业技能资格证书的)有2年**相关工作经验并且平均工资收入不低于本地区上年度社会平均工资收入4 倍的外籍人才(以上海为例,月薪大于等于26100元,**机关下一年度会检查外国人个人所得税税单) B3 - 外国语言教学人员。外国语言教学人员应从事其母语国语言教学,并取得大学学士及以上学位且具有2年以上语言教学工作经历。其中,取得教育类、语言类或师范类学士及以上学位的,或取得所在国教师资格证书或取得符合要求的国籍语言教学证书的(如公认的TEFL或TESOL证书,则可以免除2年以上语言教学工作经历的要求)。 B4 - 外国人综合评定超过60分 B1 - foreigners with a bachelor's degree and 2 years of full-time related work experience after graduation B2 - foreign technology of blue-collar workers (hold international general vocational qualification certificates) have 2 years of full-time working experience and the average wage income is not lower than the region year 4 times of social average wage income of foreign talent (in Shanghai, for example, greater than or equal to 26100 yuan a month, the government authorities next year will check foreigners personal income tax, tax return) B3 - foreign language teaching staff. Foreign language teaching staff should be engaged in language teaching in their native country, have a bachelor's degree or above, and have more than 2 years of language teaching experience. Among them, those who have obtained a bachelor's degree or above in education, language, or normal education, or those who have obtained a teacher's qualification certificate in the country where they are located, or those who have obtained a national language teaching certificate that meets the requirements (for example, a recognized TEFL or TESOL certificate can exempt them from the requirement of working experience in language teaching for more than 2 years). B4 - overall rating for foreigners over 60 如果不符合B类工作许可标准,则查看以下C类工作许可标准(符合任意1条即可): If you do not meet the category B work permit criteria, check the following category C work permit criteria (you can meet any one of them) : C1、外国人在上海学习并获得学士或更高的文凭(毕业于上海任何大学且毕业1年之内)。聘用的雇主公司注册地址在上海保税区或张江高科技园区。 C2、外国人在中国学习并获得硕士或更高的文凭(平均成绩不低于80分/100分,或者B+/B以上,毕业于中国任何大学且毕业1年之内)。聘用的雇主公司注册地在上海任何区县。 C3、法国千人实习计划实习生(6个月短期实习) C1. Foreigners study in Shanghai and obtain a bachelor's degree or higher (within 1 year of graduation from any university in Shanghai). The registered address of the employer is in Shanghai free trade zone or zhangjiang hi-tech park. C2. Foreigners who have studied in China and obtained a master's degree or higher (average score: no less than 80/100, or B + / B or above, graduated from any university in China within 1 year). The company is registered in any district or county of Shanghai. C3. Intern of France thousand talents internship program (6-month short-term internship) 外国人工作签证服务项目对应的材料需求清单(仅供参考): List of material requirements for foreigner work visa service items (for reference only) : 新Z0-B1咨询项目:外国人首次办理1年多次外国人工作许可证+外国人居留许可: New z0-b1 consulting project: foreigners apply for 1-year multiple foreigner work permit + foreigner residence permit for the first time: 1、外国人有效护照原件 2、个人简历(中文或英文皆可) 3、最新的临时住宿登记表原件(Registration Form Of Temporary Residence) 4、健康体检证明原件 5、本科以上,最高学历证书原件(如是境外颁发的,还需附带提供认证件,外国人学历认证服务介绍) 6、2年以上相关工作经验证明原件(我们可以提供样本供您参考) 7、申请人国籍国或长期居住国(地区)官方出具的无犯罪记录证明(需认证) 8、3张2寸照片(3.5CM×4.5CM) 9、劳动合同原件(我们可以提供样本供您参考) 10、公司最新三证合一的营业执照复印件,如是外资企业还需提供批准证书复印件 1. Original valid foreign passport 2. Resume (either in Chinese or English) 3. The latest Registration Form Of Temporary Residence 4. Original physical examination certificate 5. Bachelor degree or above, the original of the highest degree certificate (if issued from abroad, the certificate shall be provided with the certificate, and the introduction of foreigners' degree certification service) 6. At least 2 years' relevant working experience (we can provide samples for your reference) 7. Certificate of no criminal record issued by the official of the applicant's country of nationality or country of long-term residence (region) (to be authenticated) 8. 3 2-inch photos (3.5cm × 4.5cm) 9. Original labor contract (we can provide a sample for your reference) 10. The copy of the latest business license of the company with three certificates in one, if it is a foreign-funded enterprise, the copy of the approval certificate shall be provided 目前外国人新办中国工作签证的具体流程 At present, the specific procedures for foreigners to apply for working visas in China 第一步获得外国人工作许可通知 The first step is to obtain the foreigner work permit notice 第二步 办理Z签证(临时工作签证) The second step is apply for Z visa (temporary work visa) 第三步 办理 外国人工作许可证 The third step is to apply for the foreigner's work permit 第四步 外国人居留许可(本人到场) The fourth step is foreigner residence permit (present)
法律分析:(1)递交有效的护照; (2)递交与申请事由相关的各种证件,例如有关自己出生、婚姻状况、学历、工作经历等的证明; (3)填写并递交签证申请表格。签证不同,表格也不同,多数要用外文填写、同时提供本人照片; (4)前往国驻该国大使馆或领事馆官员会见; (5)大使馆或者领事馆,将填妥的各种签证申请表格和必要的证明材料,呈报国内主管部属门审查批准; (6)前往国家的主管部门进行必要的审核后,将审批意见通知驻该国使领馆; (7)缴纳签证费用。 法律依据:《中华人民共和国出境入境管理法》 第九条 中国公民出境入境,应当依法申请办理护照或者其他旅行证件。中国公民前往其他国家或者地区,还需要取得前往国签证或者其他入境许可证明。但是,中国**与其他国家**签订互免签证协议或者公安部、外交部另有规定的除外。中国公民以海员身份出境入境和在国外船舶上从事工作的,应当依法申请办理海员证。