就在明洞地铁口附近 往南山的方向走 十分钟就到了 先要坐小电梯 下来后直接沿着台阶走就可以啦
不同地方的南山公园高度是不一样的。 1、深圳南山公园: 深圳南山公园位于广东省深圳市南头半岛,主峰高335米。山上树木茂密,景色宜人,登高远望,整个深圳湾畔尽收眼底。 远可观深圳中心区楼群,香港流浮山脉,如林高楼;远可视南山半岛,宝安新城,人们可以登山、观景。 2、韩国首尔南山公园: 南山公园,位于韩国首尔市中心,是首尔地标N首尔塔的所在地。南山海拔265米,虽然山不高,但因处于市中心,登顶便可俯瞰首尔全景。 3、重庆南山公园: 南山公园坐落在省级南山风景名胜区群山之中,最高海拔681米,与重庆主城区夹长江面峙,是一个以森林为基础,花卉为特色的综合性公园。 4、井冈山南山公园: 井冈山南山公园位于茨坪镇的南端,整座公园海拔高度865米,高出茨坪盆地约50米,与茨坪挹翠湖相连,西边可以到井冈山革命博物馆参观红史陈展、北边可以到井冈山革命烈士陵园瞻仰缅怀先烈。 5、西宁南山公园: 南山公园位于市南凤凰山上,海拔2419米。 以青海云杉、祁连圆柏、油松、青杨、榆树为主形成工人森林景观,盛夏季节这里绿绿葱葱,空气清新湿润,群鸟啼鸣,游人享受回归大自然的无穷乐趣。 参考资料来源:百度百科—南山公园 参考资料来源:百度百科—南山公园 参考资料来源:百度百科—南山公园 参考资料来源:百度百科—南山公园 参考资料来源:百度百科—南山公园
2002年7月18曰第二次来中国,参加在北京的中韩歌会,这个时候有些人已经知道了YUNHO~~同行的SM公司人员有KANG TA、 神话 DANA~~
喜欢喝的是交zete做成了MANIM汽水(cider)[名词][本来沙果酒(沙果酒)——苏打水糖分和香料的清凉饮料.原料;液状科.糖.二**碳.枸椽酸. (代表产品;1950年是东方清凉饮料七圣)。
喜欢骑机车,理由有用身体直接试着感到速度能的魅力.想受到紧张状态的话突然前往哪里的时候很轻地有其他干涸事吴脚趾.(直译器翻译出来帝,有点..乱,看得明白么?- -)
Dong Bang Shin Gi [also known as TongVfangXienQi (TVfXQ) in Chinese and TouHou ShinKi in Japanese] means 'The Gods Of The East Are Rising'. It consists of five young men Kim JunSu [Xiah], Kim JaeJoong [Hero/Young Woong], Park YooChun [Micky], Shim ChangMin [Max] and Jung YunHo [U-Know] from Seoul, South Korea. Though the band was constructed and put together by SM Entertainment, they are far from your typcial boy band.
They were discovered through weekly auditions held by the company. The only member that did not audition was JunSu [Xiah], who earned his spot being brought into SME through a television show. SME were looking for fresh new talent, hoping to form a new band. The rest of the members displayed their strengths in singing, dancing and rapping, which impressed those at SME, instantly earning them a spot in the company. It wasn't easy sailing from than on. The five young men weren't automatically put together, nor were any of them given a record deal but given an opportunity to achieve their dream. It would be years before they would officially debut, during that time, they would train to perfect their craft. As some of the members trained, others were put on to perform.
Yunho's [U-Know] first debut was not with the band but as a back-up dancer and a rapper for one of the company's own singers, Dana. It was later on, SME determined that his talents were being wasted and placed him in what was soon to be known as Dong Bang Shin Gi.
Their first performance was back in December of 2003, opening for major headliners Boa and Britney Spears. Those in the venue had no clue who DBSK were but little did they know, that the opening act, those five young men were destine to make a large impact on Korean Pop.
Weeks later, after their first performance, they made their official debut in Korea, unleashing their first single 'Hug'. The medium-tempo accapella dance number was the perfect introduction, displaying the new and young image of the five boys that would take Korea by storm. After the success of their first single, they released their second single 'The Way U Are', showing a new and different image of the five heart-throbs. Many fans were stunned and shocked at the new look of the cute boy band. Despite the new look, they would continue to make an impression on the Korean public, doing varies activities and events to spread the music that was DBSG. The success has continued as they released their much anticipated 2nd studio album 'Rising Sun' and through out the rest of their singles and previous album.
Even with their beautifully sang ballads and choruses Dong Bang Shin Ki is more than just an accappella group but they're pop [Hug], R&B [Tonight], dance [Rising Sun], and maybe even a little bit of rock [Tri-Angle & Free your Mind featuring The Trax]. They have displayed through out many of their singles and their two albums that they are not to box themselves in. They want to expand their music to touch everyone in all music genres. However, it is probably best said that the beauty of their songs are exposed at its fullest when not accompanied by the sounds of instruments but sang by the lovely voices of the five.
Five different men with five different personalities, yet alike in so many ways, all with one common dream and that is to perform. Being exposed to such fame and celebrity in their late teens, one would think that the boys would be at least a bit stuck-up but thats far from it. The boys are down to earth, full of modesty and are completely humble. They owe much of their success to the fans and constantly showing their gratitude and thanks whenever they can. The boys have learned English, Japanese and Chinese [though not completely fluent] to help them communciate with their everlasting fan base. With such busy schedules at the tender ages of 17-19, the boys still find time to focus on their education, attending school to work towards finishing high school or college.
In their short career of approxmiately two years, their popularity has grown to such incredible heights. With the releases of 'Always There' and 'Rising Sun' from their second album and their new Japanese single 'My Destiny', they are taking the Asian world by force and don't seem to be slowing down any time soon. True to their name, they have expanded outside of their native country of Korea, directing their eye on the rest of the Asian market. But their music hasn't solely touched the hearts of those in Asia but around the world.
The Gods from the East certainly are rising..
前20期的一期地铁厂里 宋仲基亲过智孝的脸
bigbang来的一期 Gary亲过智孝的脸
2NE1那一期 光洙亲过在石的脸
来自星星的你特辑里 在石石镇啵啵
然后是一些玩饼干游戏之类 嘴唇接触的
比如 最近的申敏儿新郎特辑里 三对人几乎都有
还有一期金钟国和一个个挺小的女演员 也是玩这种游戏 比较粉红 具体哪期记不清了
另外 光洙 和 哈哈 也有不少突袭亲吻其他哥哥的
能记得的就这些了 楼主可以根据上面的 任意百度一下应该就能知道期数 可追问 谢谢采纳