




很低,大部分地区不到200米。 阿联酋【自然地理】面积8.36万平方公里(包括沿海岛屿)。位于阿拉伯半岛东部,北濒临波斯湾。西北与卡塔尔为邻、西和南与沙特阿拉伯交界、东和东北与阿曼毗连。境内除东北部有少量山地外,绝大部分是海拔200米以下的洼地和沙漠。属热带沙漠气侯,炎热干燥。 【人口】410万(2005年)。阿拉伯人仅占1/3,其他为外籍人。官方语言为阿拉伯语,通用英语,居民大多信奉伊斯兰教,多数属逊尼派,在迪拜,什叶派占多数。 【首都】阿布扎比(Abu Dhabi),人口66万 【简史】阿联酋于公元七世纪隶属阿拉伯帝国。自16世纪开始,葡萄牙、荷兰、法国等殖民主义者相继侵入。1820年,英国入侵波斯湾地区,强迫海湾7个阿拉伯酋长国缔结“永久休战条约”,称为“特鲁西尔阿曼”(意为“休战的阿曼”)。此后该地区逐步沦为英国的“保护国”。二次大战后,民族解放运动高涨。1971年3月1日,英国宣布同海湾诸酋长国之间签订的所有的条约于同年年底终止。 同年12月2日,阿布扎比、迪拜、沙迦、乌姆盖万、阿治曼、富查伊拉6个酋长国组成阿拉伯联合酋长国。1972年2月11日,哈伊马角酋长国加入阿联酋。   迪拜(Dubai)简介
  迪拜是(迪拜市(英语:Dubai 阿拉伯语:




英文: That sailing Dubai, UAE in conjunction hotel: 1. The world's most luxurious hotel in Dubai, United Arab Emirates when the number of porcelain-Park (BurjAl-Arab) hotel, translated into Chinese, also known as "Al Arab", which is one of the few in the world of one of the seven-star hotel. At the Middle East, the United Arab Emirates city of Dubai. 2.The road is being looked as if he was sailing in the image of the hotel built on an artificial beach on the island, a boat-shaped tower building, a total of 56 layers, 321 meters high, from a well-known British designers WS Atkins设计. Hotel double-membrane structure in the form of construction, lightweight design, elegant, with strong characteristics of the membrane structure and modern style. It has 202 sets of double rooms, 200 meters high overlooking the city of Dubai restaurant. Went to the Burj Al Arab hotel, you can feel the true meaning of the "magnificent." Its courtyard is the Jin Cancan, it's the most luxurious 780-square-meter presidential suite is even more remarkable gorgeous, in the 25th floor, furniture is the gold-plated, has a cinema, two bedrooms, two living rooms, a restaurant, Have access to a dedicated elevator. Rooms from the area of 170 square meters to 780 square meters range. Seven-star hotel prices will definitely not cheap, have a minimum 900 U.S. dollars, the presidential suite will be 18,000 U.S. dollars. The hotel has a 8 BMW Rolls-Royce and two, stay for tourists from the airport directly, or from the hotel's dedicated 28-seat helicopter Airport, spent 15 minutes in the air overlooking the beauty of Dubai. If guests want to eat seafood restaurant, they will be sent to the submarine restaurant, so that they can enjoy dinner before the wonders of the seabed. Shen Dong in 1999, "Park Hotel porcelain," the completion of the ribbon-cutting ceremony, welcoming door. It's stunning the degree of luxury, the experts in a rather embarrassing situation, really do not know that it is scheduled to sing a few stars: five-star and six stars, or seven stars There is really no precedent, not to exact a result. It is said that Park should be zoned to Seven Star porcelain. In fact, few stars are not important, the key to the hotel industry is one of the world, "second to none," the desert between the ocean and the great building, raising the pursuit of excellence in human thinking and Hollywood-style dream. British designer hotel from the WSAtkins wrote proudly, standing in the artificial beach on the island, yacht-like, species were pyramid, from head to foot-56, up to 321 meters, with 202 sets of double rooms, in the middle of the upper Location overlooking the city to build a luxury restaurant, which had cultivated itself into a world of the garden courtyard. It is at "Jumeirah Beach Hotel," Once upon a time, it is the world's best, but, to do face-to-face and porcelain-Park neighbors, Chen appears to be more than a cold. Park entered the hotel porcelain can savor the meaning of the resplendent. Hall, Atrium, suites, bathrooms ... any place ... all the Jin Cancan, even the door handles, faucets, ashtrays, coat hooks and even a note of paper are filled with gold plating. Although only a thin layer, but beyond the imagination of the guests, many eyes are big, flattered. Mr. Fan Sizhe the late fashion designer is a big seen various aspects of society, he had also been parked luxury porcelain to the Zhenzhu, sleep a night, he is extremely useful, Feng Renbian will be amazed. 期待满意啊~~


亲,是迪拜,又称 阿拉伯塔酒店 简单介绍如下: 世界上建筑高度最高的七星级酒店,开业于1999年12月,共有高级客房202间,建立在离海岸线280米处的人工岛Jumeirah Beach Resort上。伯瓷糅合了最新的建筑及工程科技,迷人的景致及造型,使它看上去仿佛和天空融为一体。伯瓷的工程花了5年的时间,2年半时间在阿拉伯海填出人造岛,2年半时间用在建筑本身,使用了9000吨钢铁,并把250根基建桩柱打在40米深海下。饭店由英国设计师W.S. Atkins设计,外观如同一张鼓满了风的帆,一共有56层、321米高,是全球最高的饭店,比法国艾菲尔铁塔还高上一截。 2005年2月22日排名世界第一的瑞士选手费德勒和美国传奇老将阿加西在参加迪拜公开赛间隙,来到号称世界最豪华的酒店,位于迪拜海域的“阿拉伯塔”饭店顶端的一个独一无二的空中网球场进行一场别开生面的友谊赛,据称此网球场原是直升机停机坪,距离地面200多米,让人心惊肉跳。 建在海滨的一个人工岛上 这座看起来好像是正在行进中的帆船形象的酒店建在海滨的一个人工岛上,是一个帆船形的塔状建筑。阿拉伯塔酒店是世界上惟一的建筑高度最高的七星级酒店(因为饭店设备实在太过高级 ,远远超过五星的标准,只好破例称它做七星级),开业于1999年12月,它建在离海岸线280米处的人工岛Jumeirah Beach Resort上。阿拉伯塔酒店糅合了最新的建筑及工程科技,迷人的景致及造型,使它看上去仿佛和天空融为一体。阿拉伯塔酒店共有56层,321米高,比法国艾菲尔铁塔还高上一截。酒店采用双层膜结构建筑形式,造型轻盈、飘逸,具有很强的膜结构特点及现代风格。它拥有202套复式客房、200米高的可以俯瞰迪拜全城的餐厅。到过阿拉伯塔酒店之后,你才能体会到真正意义的“金碧辉煌”。它的中庭是金灿灿的,它的最豪华的780平方米的总统套房更是华丽非凡,在第25层,家具是镀金的,设有 一个电影院、两间卧室、两间起居室、一个餐厅,出入有专用电梯。客房面积从170平方米到780平方米不等。七星级酒店房价肯定不菲,最低也要900美元,总统套房则要1.8万美元。这家酒店拥有八辆宝马和两辆劳斯莱斯,专供住店旅客直接往返机场,也可从旅馆28层专设的机场坐直升机,花15分钟空中俯瞰迪拜美景。客人如果想在海鲜餐厅中就餐的话,他们将被潜水艇送到餐厅,这样他们就餐前可以欣赏到海底奇观。 1999年深冬,“伯瓷酒店”落成剪彩,开门迎客。它的豪华程度令人叹为观止,专家们很为难,真不知道该给它定几颗星:五星,六星,还是七星?实在是没有先例,给不出一个确切的结果。有人说,伯瓷应该划到七星。其实,几颗星并不重要,关键是全球酒店业“无出其右”,这座沙漠与海洋之间的巨大建筑,养育着人类追求卓越的思维和好莱坞式的梦想。 矗立在海滨的人工小岛上,酷似帆船状,通体呈塔形,从头到脚56层,高达321米,拥有202套复式客房,在中间靠上的位置搭建了俯瞰全城的豪华餐厅,还修成一座全球最高的花园中庭。它正对着“Jumeirah Beach酒店”,曾几何时,那是世界上最棒的,可惜,和伯瓷面对面做邻居,显得寒碜多了。 黄金屋 步入伯瓷酒店才能体味到金碧辉煌的含义。大厅、中庭、套房、浴室……任何地方都是金灿灿的,连门把手、水龙头、烟灰缸、衣帽钩,甚至一张便条纸,都镀满了黄金。虽说只是薄薄的一层,却超出了客人的想像力,很多大人物都眼前一亮、受宠若惊。已故时装设计师范思哲先生是见过大世面的人,他居然也被伯瓷的奢华给震住了,安睡**之后,他极为受用,逢人便会赞叹不已。 纸醉金迷,往往是影**神堕落的字眼儿,伯瓷所有的“黄金屋”却令人喜爱而不沉迷,任何细节都处理得绅士般矜持、淑女般优雅,没有携带一丝一毫的俗气。比如窗帘、坐垫、橱柜、冰箱……大大小小,每件都是俗中求雅,且俗且雅。当然,设计师的手段是非常重要的,怎样设计才能体现出阿拉伯塔酒店的奢华而不沉醉。

迪拜七星帆船酒店里Al Mahara 海鲜餐厅2人用餐大概需要多少钱?





BUJ ARAB,绝对值得一去。



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