


v. 委托, 离开, 留给, 遗留, 遗赠, 听任
v. I will leave you to attend to the matter .

v. 我委托你办此事。

v. 委托

v. I will leave you to attend to the matter .

v. 我委托你办此事。

v. You can leave it with us for safe keeping for no more than a month, or abandon it.

v. 您可以委托我们替您保管,但为期只有一个月时间,或者您选择放弃。

v. 离开

v. I leave the gay saloon of New York for the green glade of the country.

v. 我离开了纽约欢乐的酒店,来到乡村绿色的林间空地。

v. Please, don't forget to hand back your room key before you leave the hotel.

v. 在离开旅馆之前,请不要忘记交还房间的钥匙。

v. 留给

v. The measure of our success will be the condition in which we leave the world for the next generation.

v. 衡量我们成功的标准将是,我们把一个什么样的世界留给下一代。

v. 遗留

v. Be sure not to leave anything behind, please.

v. 请当心,别遗留下任何物品。

v. 遗赠

v. Seek not proud riches, but such as thou mayest get justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully, and leave contentedly.

v. 别为摆阔炫耀而追求财富,只挣你取之有道、用之有度、施之有乐且遗之有慰的钱财。

v. The treasure I bequeath and leave entirely to my sole heir.

v. 此项宝藏吾全部遗赠与吾之惟一继承人。

v. 听任

v. We mustn't leave him to his own devices.

v. 不应听任他去自行其是。

n. 许可, 准假, 告别
n. 许可

n. It is necessary to seek the Court's leave to file a document out of time.

n. 时限过后,必须得到法庭的许可才可以将文件存盘。

n. She has my leave to see him.

n. 她得到我的许可去看他。

n. 准假

n. She was allowed compassionate leave from work to attend her father's funeral.

n. 她获准丧假为父亲送葬。

n. The company has docked us of three days of our annual leave.

n. 公司将我们每年的休假时间减少了3天。

n. 告别

n. She took leave of her mother, and caught the train to Beijing.

n. 她告别了她母亲,搭上了去北京的列车。

n. An unbelieving smile flits on your eyes when I come to you to take my leave.

n. 当我向你告别时,你微笑着,眼神里闪烁着怀疑。

vi. 生出叶子


leavevt.离开; 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托;
vt.& vi.离去; 出发; 舍弃;
n.准假; 假期; 辞别; 许可;



v.  离开; 抛下; 不立刻做; 留下,保留; 余; 招致; 剩下食物; 不碰; 使处于; 交托; 取决于; 转换(话题); (死后)遗留; 递送;

n.  假期; 准许


1. It got to the point where he had to leave.  


2. I had to admire David's vow that he would leave the programme.  


3. Our cars get blocked in and we can't leave for ages.  


4. I do hope you'll forgive me but I've got to leave.  


5. Don't leave a child alone in a room with an open fire.  


6. He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere.  


7. Winter weather can leave you feeling fatigued and tired.  


8. A properly fitting bra should never leave red marks.  


9. As soon as the two chicks hatch, they leave the nest burrow.  


10. When they leave school, they will be equipped for obtaining office jobs.  



leave英 [li:v] 美 [liv]

  vt.离开; 遗弃; 忘了带; 交托;

  vt.离去; 出发; 舍弃;

  n.准假; 假期; 辞别; 许可;

  [例句]Heaven forbid that he should leave because of me!


  [其他]第三人称单数:leaves 现在分词:leaving 过去式:left 过去分词:left


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