
facility [fslti]

n.①便利,容易,方便 ②设备,设施

  • The hotel has special facilities for disabled people. 这家旅馆有专供残疾人使用的设施。
  • It describes completely the facility and its safety basis. 它完整地描述了设备和它的安全基础。


  • with facility 熟练地
If you wash your hands here, you can deal everything with facility. 如果你在这里洗洗手,以后做事就可得心应手。

  • washing facilities 洗涤设备
Familiar with the use and maintenance of washing facilities. 熟悉各类洗涤设备的使用和维修保养。

  • facilities for travel/study 旅行/研究设备
They are facilities for travel. 它们是旅行用具。


  • facility 便于工作的设施、东西
Your camcorder should have these basic features: autofocus, playback facility, zoom lens. 你的便携式摄像机应该具备以下基本功能、自动聚焦、回放功能、变焦镜头。

  • equipment 用于生产、科研的设备、装备
A system configuration that excludes standby equipment. 一种没有备用设备的方案配备。


标签: 熟练 facility


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