
今天美特网(meite.net.cn)小编给各位分享旅游有处也有坏处英文翻译的知识,其中也会对我认为旅游有很多好处的翻译是:什么意思(我认为旅游对我们是有好处 英文)进行解释,如果能碰巧解决你现在面临的问题,别忘了关注本站,现在我们开始吧!


I think traveling has many advantages

英语作文带翻译,,1旅游的好处,2 推荐一个好去处(含推荐理由以及注

The Hainan trail
( a )
Today, we got up early in the morning, ( yesterday we went to Sanya ) although only seven points, but Sanya has been hot. After breakfast, we followed the tour guide to the first station " the size of the cave ". The tour guide, Hainan's first eccentric in the size of the cave. The guide pointed at a strange tree said: " this is I blame Hainan, his roots in the bark of the outside. He called the jackfruit, also called wood pineapple, this tree is evergreen trees, up to ten m tall, oval leaves, flowers small, polymerization into oval. The fruit can be eaten, Hainan is the specialty, a 20 kg, there are seeds, chestnut is greater than. " We went to the " Coconut Dream corridor ". Coconut one by one to the distance. Its broad leaves below, covered with red and green coconut, coconut sweet with canned coconut milk is not at all a taste. We also went to the island and the remotest corners of the globe. Back to the hotel late, we imperceptibly fell asleep ... ...
We got up at six o'clock breakfast, we followed the tour guide to the first scenic spot in the East China sea. Came to the sea, I and my mother to buy diving votes, learned gestures, boat diving area sets out to sit. The phreatic zone, I on the back of the oxygen bottle, under the sea, then coach swim over, he told me to hold oxygen nozzle. In the sea I drank some slobber, I adapted later, coach put me off the sea. In the sea, I see red coral, Red Coral "arm " just like one finger. I have also seen a coral reef, and red-and-white clown fish, there are a group of unknown fish, they are black and white colors. A group of small lilac fish swim from before my face, my hand is stretched out, they disappeared ... ... We went to Yalong Bay again, the sand here such as fine sand, white as snow. Then we went to that island centipede. At night, after dinner, we went back to the hotel to sleep, Zhenlei ah!
Today, we are early in the morning to Xinglong botanical garden. As soon as we entered, saw a tree nut trees that stand gracefully erect again. This tree is evergreen tree, the trunk is very high, pinnately compound. The fruit can be eaten, but also for medicinal, can help digestion, and repel insects, grows in tropical area. Eat its fruit, like drinking wine like dizzy. We went to the cocoa round, cocoa trees, leaves ovate calyx, corolla with yellow, pink, red or yellow, fruit ovoid, use it to produce powder can drink, can play the excitatory effect, also called coco. We visited the Hainan desert -- one of Kuding tea, it leaves the oval, pollen is gules, a bitter taste. Visited the botanical garden, we have to a number of attractions. The evening returned to the hotel for one last day.
Early in the morning, we went to Boao in 2002, when the president was in here held a secret meeting. We do the boat came to the jade belt beach, the sand here very yellow. We dug a pit in the shore, in the pit side built a fence. Suddenly, a big wave came, the wall is gone, we also became " soaked through " we built a larger wall, now waves beat the fence! This time my mother told us to go, we sat wagon back to Sanya airport. In the plane I looked at the beautiful Sanya, recalled the days of experience, could not help laughing ... ...
今天,一大早我们就起床了,(我们昨天就来到了三亚)虽然才七点,但是三亚已经很热了.吃完早点,我们就随着导游来到了第一站“大小洞天”.听导游讲,海南的第一怪就在大小洞天.导游指着一棵古怪的树说:“这就是海南第一怪,他的树根长在树皮的外面.他叫菠萝蜜,又叫木菠萝,这种树属于长绿乔木,高达十米,叶子卵圆形,花小,聚合成椭圆形.果实可以吃,是海南特产,一个有20多斤,里面有籽儿,比栗子还大.”我们又来到了“椰梦长廊”.椰子一个接一个的涌向远方.它那宽大的树叶下面,结满了红绿红绿的椰子,椰汁甜滋滋的跟听装椰汁根本不是一个味. 我们还去了西岛和天涯海角.回到旅馆已经很晚了,我们不知不觉就睡着了……
我们六点钟就起来了吃完早饭,我们就随着导游来到了第一个景点大东海.一来到大东海,我就和妈妈去买潜水票,学会了手势,就坐快艇向潜水区出发.到了潜水区,我就背上了氧气瓶,下了海,这时教练游了过来,他叫我把氧气嘴含住.在海上我喝了几口水,我适应了以后,教练就把我带下海水了.在海里,我看到了红珊瑚,红珊瑚的“手臂”就像人们的手指.我还看到了珊瑚礁,还有红白颜色的小丑鱼,还有一群不知名的鱼,它们是黑白颜色的.一群小丁香鱼从我面前游过,我一伸手,它们就不见了…… 我们又去了亚龙湾,这里的沙子细如沙,白如雪.接着我们还去了蜈知洲岛. 晚上,吃过晚饭,我们就回宾馆睡觉了,真累啊!
今天,我们一大早就前往兴隆植物园. 我们一进门,就看见一棵棵槟榔树再那亭亭玉立. 这种树属于长绿乔木,树干很高,羽状复叶.果实可以吃,也供药用,能帮助消化,又有驱除虫的作用,生长在热带地区.吃了它的果实,就像喝了酒似的头晕晕的.我们又来到了可可圆,可可树,叶子卵形,花冠带黄色,花萼粉色,果实卵形,红色或黄色,用它制作出的粉末可以做饮料,能起到兴奋作用,也叫蔻蔻.我们又参观了海南四宝之一——苦丁茶,它的叶子呈椭圆形,花粉红色,有苦味. 参观了植物园,我们有去了一些景点. 晚上回到旅馆准备最后一天的旅程.
一大早,我们就来到了博鳌,2002年的时候**曾经在这里开过秘密大会. 我们做快艇来到了玉带滩,这里的沙子非常的黄. 我们在岸边挖了个大坑,在大坑旁建了座围墙.突然,一个大浪打了过来,围墙没了,我们也成了“落汤鸡”我们又建了个更大的围墙,哈哈现在大浪打不倒围墙了吧! 这个时候妈妈叫我们走了,我们坐着旅行车回到了三亚飞机场.在飞机上我望着美丽的三亚,回想起这几天的经历,不禁笑了起来……


There`re several advantages in travelling during the winter vocation. Firstly, you can appritiate the beauty of nature which only exits in winter and enjoy skiing or other winter sports.Secondly,the beauty spots are less crowded than in summer.
There`re also some disadvantages, however.It is that the traffic is filled with the flow of people which makes the trip awful.What`s more,you have to wear more to keep from the cold weather


Do you want to see the Great Wall of China or the Harbour Bridge in Sydney or visit the New York City in America? When you want to travel to those places, will you choose to get there by plane or train? Have you ever thought about which one is more economic? Which one is more interesting during the journey? And which one is more secure? There are advantages and disadvantages to travel abroad by plane or train. If you consider and arrange them carefully, you will make your journey more wonderful and smarter. Roughly the efficiency, entertainment and security are the differences between planes and trains. For one thing, there are huge differences in the price and travelling time. The price of a train is often stable, and the price doesn’t change during the high season, but the price of a plane is very good to purchase. There is usually a cheaper price of plane during the low season and the earliest or latest flight. What’s more, you can save more time by travelling by plane than train. For example, if you want to go to Sydney from Brisbane, you only spend about one and half hours going there, but to go there by train means spending about fourteen hours. In addition, it is exciting to do anything that you want on the plane during the flight. You can choose to watch movies, play TV games or listen to music on the plane for free, or you can use your laptop and not be afraid of having no power, because the electric power is also supplied for free. However, you need take radio or game boy machine to have fun by yourself when you travel by train. (*^__^*)如果我的回答对您有帮助! 请及时给予好评或采纳,万分感谢! (*^__^*)


网络有好处也有坏处用英语表达为“Network has its advantages and disadvantage“。 整句话中主语是网络,翻译成对应的英语就是Network,谓语是有,宾语就是好处与坏处,所以整句话只要直译过来就行了。 1.I had fine sport with my new skates . 我穿着新冰鞋溜冰玩得痛快极了。 2.I have heard that he has been married before . 我听说他过去结过婚。 3.He wondered if he had been dreaming . 他不晓得自己是不是做了一场梦。 4.Winston had finished his bread and cheese. 温斯顿吃完了面包和干酪。 5.I have a snag in my best black tights . 我最好的一条黑**给划破了。 扩展资料and的基本用法 1.and用作连词,主要用来连接两个或两个以上的词、短语或句子。 2.and连接两个相同的词语可用以加强语气或表示动作的反复或一再发生。 3.常用and连接十位数和百位数。 4.两个名词被and连接,如前一名词带冠词,后一名词不带冠词,则整个结构表示一个整体。 5.and所连接的两个名词之前有each, every修饰时,其谓语动词用单数形式。 6.and连接两个相同的复数名词可以表示不同的种类或者用来加强语气。 7.and连接两个名词,其后共用一个介词时,以后一个名词决定使用什么介词。 8.and通常可代替动词不定式符号to,表示目的; and连接两个动词不定式,后面的不定式符号to常省略。 9.and连接go, come, try等动词和另外一个动词,可表示动作的目的或意图。 10.在go, get, become等动词后,用and连接两个比较级的形容词或副词,可表示“越来越…”。 参考资料来源:百度百科—and


好处:丰富知识(rich knowledge)、享受自然(enjoy nature)

坏处:花钱(cost money)、辛苦(hardship)

好处:促进经济发展(promote the development of economy),增强产品消费(promote consume of products)
坏处:交通拥挤(trafic conjestion),环境污染(enviroment pollution)


◆旅游的名词: journey ; tour;trip
动词: travel
◆journey 最普通用词,侧重指时间较长、距离较远的单程陆上旅行,也指水上或空中的旅行。
◆trip 普通用词,口语多用,常指为公务或游玩作的较短暂的旅行。
◆travel 泛指旅行的行为而不指某次具体的旅行,多指到远方作长期旅行,不强调直接目的地,单、复数均可用。


优势: 1、促进城市之间的文化与交流 2、促进城市经济的发展 3、促进了人们思想观念的转变 劣势: 1、给城市的交通带来巨大压力 2、对当地的环境造成破坏 旅游业,国际上称为旅游产业,是凭借旅游资源和设施,专门或者主要从事招徕、接待游客、为其提供交通、游览、住宿、餐饮、购物、文娱等六个环节的综合性行业。 旅游业务要有三部分构成:旅游业、交通客运业和以饭店为代表的住宿业。他们是旅游业的三大支柱。 旅游业能够满足人们日益增长的物质和文化的需要。通过旅游使人们在体力上和精神上得到休息,改善健康情况,开阔眼界,增长知识,推动社会生产的发展。 旅游业的发展以整个国民经济发展水平为基础并受其制约,同时又直接、间接地促进国民经济有关部门的发展,如推动商业、饮食服务业、旅馆业、民航、铁路、公路、邮电、日用轻工业、工艺美术业、园林等的发展。 并促使这些部门不断改进和完善各种设施、增加服务项目,提高服务质量。随着社会的发展,旅游业日益显示它在国民经济中的重要地位。

标签: 旅游的好处 旅游产业 旅游业的发展 旅游资源


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